No Chemo, No Radiation – See HOW Cancer Cells Killed By Using CBD Oil –

No Chemo, No Radiation – See HOW Cancer Cells Killed By Using CBD Oil –
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No Chemo No Radiation – Biochemist Cancer Survivor Used CBD Oil to Treat Own Self – s

An edited interview of Dennis Hill and Ava Marie from her Spiral Up show. Dennis Hill is a Biochemist and is a cancer survivor. Dennis’s cancer was killed by treating it with cannabinoids (CBD Oil) alone. These cannabinoids cause cancer cells to die. He was not treated with radiation or chemo therapy. He chose to use a pain free method, which as a biochemist, he believed would kill the cancer cells. The cannabinoids (CBD oil) killed his cancer cells and he is a proven testimony.

“From the scientific perspective can you explain to the average listener how cannabinoid oil (CBD oil) works on a cancer cell?”

“First let me talk about the normal system the normal immune system how it works against cancer. We make cancer cells all the time. You know just when the DNA goes haywire you get an out of control cell and if it aggregates then it forms a tumor. But it starts off as a single cell with an aberrant DNA. Well the immune system knows about this.

The endocannabinoid system which is part of the immune system goes to work on it. Now an interesting thing about cancer cells is that when a cell goes cancerous then an increase in the number of receptors for cannabinoids increases in the cell. So, when the body’s own immune system senses this, then the endocannabinoid that the body uses is called anandamide and anandamide mates with the receptors and stimulates the production of chemical called ceramide.

Now, ceramide is like the Seal Team. It goes in and kills the Target. When ceramide is produced in the cancer cell, it kills off the mitochondria. The mitochondria produces energy for the cell so once the mitochondria is dead then the cell can no longer survive.

Now, when the immune system becomes overstressed through illness or injury or stress, then it gets behind on killing cancer cells. It doesn’t take much to get behind on killing cancer cells. So, if you develop a tumor and all of these cancer cells, then you take a cannabinoid supplement (CBD oil) then these cannabinoids go in the circulation and mate with these receptors of the cancer cells which produces a flood of ceramide.

Now, because the DNA of cancer cells is distorted, it’s damaged. The ceramide senses this and knows that this cell is dying and the job of ceramide in the normal body is to kill damaged and dying cells. So it senses that the cancer cell is abnormal and knows that it needs to die. So, that’s why this increase in number of receptors on the cancer cell.

So when the additional cannabinoids (from the CBD oil), reach the cancer cell it locks into it, sends the ceramide out to destroy the mitochondria which starves the cell.”

“It is an amazing process and there’s a lot of science on this pathway. There are a lot of researchers that are working on this in Europe.”

“That’s a great reason. Yeah would you say Germany or well Italy?”

” I see a lot of publications coming from Italy and several other countries are doing a lot of research on this also.

Fortunately a lot of the scientific articles have been translated into English.”

“Marvel this as a whole! We need to get rolling here right? We need to pick it up and put it on the bandwagon here to the United States.”

“Well for three months I took my daily dose one drop.” (Strength was not mentioned since it was from a dispensary)

“It took three months to get rid of your cancer? ”

“Well, in three months I went back for my next exam and they found that the prostate had reduced in size by almost half. So the urologist told me he said, “the tumor is gone and this is really stunning that in three months the aggressive metastasizing tumor was gone.”

“You had no radiation, no chemo, no surgery?”

“But, I did have another exam an Independent exam just to make sure and that doctor found that there was still tumor cells. So I continued the course, and these are metastatic lesions that had not been killed yet.

So I stayed on it for three more months. So the total course was six months. Then the biopsy result after six months was completely clear of cancer.”

( Watch the whole video to learn more. )

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