Lose 50 lbs – How CBD Oil Changed Type-2 Diabetes In 2 Weeks! – CBDOilStudy.org/Free-Samples

Lose 50 lbs – How CBD Oil Changed Type-2 Diabetes In 2 Weeks! – CBDOilStudy.org/Free-Samples
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Lost 50LBS – How CBD Oil Changed Type-2 Diabetes in 2 Weeks! – s

Immune Gut & Brain

Hi! Hi!

I am 52 and I want to share with you how I successfully managed my type-2 Diabetes, and obesity problems by consuming Cannabis oil. I visited my regular
, in August 2011,.12-hour blood sugar fast test. Twelve percent was the average, which is three times more than it should be. I was taking eight tablets of metformin per day. Dr. Macron, my family doctor, told me there was nothing more that he could do.
He was referring me to a Diabetic specialist.

My Diabetic specialist said that I was leaking 12g of protein from my kidneys each day. He was referring me to a specialist in kidney disease. The medicines don’t work. I was determined to find alternative ways to treat my Type 2 Diabetes. On a Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceutical Company film, I found what scientists call the Endocannabinoid System. It is responsible for body sugar and insulin sensitivity.

I was presented with a statement by Dr. Robert Melamine (PhD in Biology) claiming that cannabis oil could be used to treat autoimmune disorders in just six weeks. I was a different guy. The next quick test, which was taken at the end November, showed that my blood sugar level was 4.5%. My blood sugar was below 4% and I had to stop taking my pills.

You’re looking at two images taken one year apart: August 2011, and August 2012.. I am 50 plus pounds lighter. Since November, my Diabetes has not exceeded 10%. It took me less that 2 weeks to find the solution to my Diabetes and obesity. While I don’t believe there has been any suppression of evidence, there may have been a lack interest due to the lack of money. I urge doctors in Canada and the US to conduct their own research on the Endocannabinoid systems. Science-based evidence will guide your decisions. There is a lot of evidence available on the Endocannabinoid System. It is an amazing part of biology. Every doctor should know this information.

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