CBD (Cannabidiol), for all gastrointestinal problems…

CBD (Cannabidiol), for all gastrointestinal problems…

Gunver Juul (Danish Holistic Biomedicine School), explains how CBD Oil has been used in her practice to treat patients with Autoimmune Inflammatory Disorders Crohns disease, IBS, and Rheumatoid Arthritis .Overview:…

Can CBD help prevent headaches?

Can CBD help prevent headaches?

Migraine attacks can be more severe than a typical allergy- or stress-related headache. Migraine attacks can last from 72 hours to 4. Migraine attacks can be triggered by even the…

CBD (Cannabidiol), very effective in Migraines

CBD (Cannabidiol), very effective in Migraines

. The reason for migraines is still unknown. They may be caused by abnormal brain activity. This can alter the brain’s ability to communicate with the nerves and the chemicals…