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Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of joint inflammation caused by a particular autoimmune reaction known as rheumatism. Rheumatism is not entirely understood, but it is characterised by an autoimmune assault by T-cells on the soft tissues of the body. It so happens that the first symptom in the majority of cases of rheumatism is arthritis, caused by an immune attack on the synovial sac that lubricates and protects joints.
CBD has shown propensity for regulating the activity of the immune system, among many other body systems which are controlled in large part by the endocannabinoid system (ECS). In addition to promoting normal ECS activity, CBD also binds to and activates PPAR receptors, which determine the genes that a specific type of cell will express. CBD activation of this receptor in T-cells and immune progenitor cells promotes expression of anti-inflammatory genes and suppresses expression of excitatory and proinflammatory chemokines.
These are just some of the proposed mechanisms of how CBD is able to reduce the symptoms of RA and improve quality of life for patients diagnosed with this condition.
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